CEEPUS Summer School in Modelling, Simulation and Computer-aided design, in Ljubljana and Portorož, Slovenia, September 18 to 28, 2017

Program of the CEEPUS Summer School in Ljubljana

Lectures and Students presentations 

Opening ceremony:

Presentation of the 3 organizers:

Visit in the Telecommunications laboratory in University of Ljubljana

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Visit in the Telecommunications laboratory in University of Ljubljana


Prof. Dr. Felix Breitenecker

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Prof. Dr. Felix Breitenecker

Phd Students:

Ilia Goranov, BAS, Bulgaria

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Ilia Goranov, BAS, Bulgaria

Students on the CEEPUS Summer School:


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Visit in the Telecommunications laboratory in University of Ljubljana:

Visit in the Telecommunications laboratory in University of Ljubljana

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Visit in the Telecommunications laboratory in University of Ljubljana

CEEPUS Coordination Meeting for the end of 2016/2017, Chair: assoc. prof. Galia Marinova and Second Workshop on Joint program “Thèse en cotutelle”, Chair: assoc. prof. Blaz Rodic:


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Social program: Sightseeing tour of Ljubljana


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Joint papers presentation on the Modelling and simulation Section on International Conference ERC’2017, Slovenian IEEE Section, Portoroz, Slovenia, 25.09.2017


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