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Here are the lastes CEEPUS events
Assoc. prof. Dr. Galia Marinova from TU-Sofia, Bulgaria teaches at the International week in University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, 6-11.05.2024
The doctoral student Manjola Zeneli from UAMD, Durres, Albania presents at Workshop at UBT, Pristina, Kosovo, in the framework of CEEPUS mobility, 25.04.2024
Lavdim Menxhiqi and Blerim Zylfiu from UBT, Kosovo, attend a doctoral workshop with CEEPUS mobility in TU-Sofia, Bulgaria, 28.03.2024
Emiliano Mankolli from Albania defends his doctoral thesis in the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria, in the framework of the CEEPUS Joint Doctoral program, 21.03.2024
The coordinator of BG1103 is partner in a new project 2023-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000157723 CYBERCITY – A practical approach to teach and learn cybersecurity in smart cities
Scientific paper dedicated to the CEEPUS network BG1103: G Marinova, K Tola , Innovations in a CEEPUS Academic Network and Their Impact on Management Effectiveness and Research Achievements, Digital Transformation, Perspective Development, and Value Creation, pp.3-22, Taylor&Francis, 2024
Coordination meeting between assoc. prof. Dr. Galia Marinova and Katerina Kostova from TU-Sofia, Bulgaria with contact persons from Slovenian universities from Ljubljana, Maribor and Novo Mesto at the conference ITIS’2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 2023. Planning the CEEPUS Summer School in Maribor, to take place in July 2024.
Assoc. prof. Dr. Galia Marinova at CEEPUS teacher’s mobility teaching students in University of Pannonia, Veszprem, Hungary, October/November 2023
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