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Here are the lastes CEEPUS events
Prof. Dr. Malgorzata Pankowska from University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, teaching at the CEEPUS Summer school in the University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2-12.07.2024
Assoc.prof. Dr. Adriana Borodzhieva from Angel Kanchev University, Russe, Bulgaria teaching at the CEEPUS Summer school in the University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2-12.07.2024
Students and teachers at the CEEPUS Summer school in the University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2-12.07.2024
Teachers from Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Slovenia at the CEEPUS Summer school in the University of Maribor, Slovenia, 2-12.07.2024
Prof. Dr. Zoran Trifunov, from University “Mother Teresa”, Skopje, North Macedonia, teaching at the International week in TU-Sofia, Bulgaria within a CEEPUS mobility, 20-28.05.2024
Assoc. prof. Dr. Sanela Arsić fromUniversity of Belgrade, Technical faculty in Bor, Serbia, teaching at the International week in TU-Sofia, Bulgaria within a CEEPUS Freemover mobility, 20-24.05.2024
Prof. Dr. Vineta Srebrenkoska from University “Goce Delcev”, Stip, North Macedonia, teaching at the International week in TU-Sofia, Bulgaria within a CEEPUS mobility, 20-24.05.2024
Assoc. prof. Dr. Stojan Kitanov from University “Mother Teresa”, Skopje, North Macedonia, teaching at the International week in TU-Sofia, Bulgaria within a CEEPUS mobility, 20-24.05.2024
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